Monday, June 2, 2014

Part 3

"Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy."
-David A. Bednar

I agree with this quote by David A. Bednar. I agree that obedience is central to becoming happy. I agree with this quote because I know it is true. without obedience no one would remain happy. if you are not an obedient person then it is most likely that you are a person constantly under a life of trouble, and I highly doubt that you will be happy when the time comes and you have broken laws and soon enough will remain in prison the rest of your life.

Part 2 100+ Goals Report

So far in my progress in completing my 100+ goals, I have still not achieved even half of them. I still haven't achieved that many because most of my goals are goals that can only be achieved once I am older. such as joining the marines, buying a car, or buying a house. believe me, if I could achieve those goals now, I would. besides these life long goals I still need to work on my present goals such as getting a six pack. although I am still working on that, im glad seeing my results so far this also goes for most of my other goals. although I have only achieved a few of them. im happy to see all the progress I have throughout all my goals, slowly progressing and soon enough I will achieve them as long as I never give up, and keep a positive mind.

Period 1 Part 1

1.What did you like best about this class?

What I liked most about this class would have to be that I actually learned multiple tricks throughout different programs on the computer. also these skills helped me through different projects that required a power point. I thought that was really cool. Also, if I didn't have this class I honestly would have never learned how to type on my own.

2. What did you dislike about this class?

What I disliked about the class would have to be that we didn't have enough time to get to learn everything in one class period sometimes so we would sometimes take the lesson onto the next day and it would take away time.

3. What can you recommend to improve this class?

I suggest that you make more partner projects throughout the year,  such as a power point in the beginning of the school year that will show the classroom what type of things the person likes. not only will this make the people more social between each other, but you will further know your students.

4.What will you always remember about this class?

I will always remember having to do a student success statement everyday, and also our assignment about our 100 goals. That assignment helped me figure out what I wanted to do in life. so I really liked it.